Thursday, November 3, 2011

I Don't Want to Throw Up, I'm a Toys R Us Kid...

Sitting across from one another over a cup of coffee, Shannon and Christine shared feelings.
Christine:  "My head hurts."
Shannon:  "Mine too."
Christine:  "I'm really tired."
Shannon:  "Me too."
Both agreed they could chalk it up to weather, but little did they know there was an unseen guest at the tea party.  That nasty flu bug - who invited him, anyway?

That night, Christine experienced chills and pains.  By the wee hours of the morning Shannon was hurling.

"I don't want to throw up," thought Christine.  In her head the Toys R Us song was playing.  "I don't want to throw up, I'm a Toys R Us kid."  How weird is that?


Thankfully, I didn't throw up.  I willed myself not to.  Unfortunately my concentration was to the North, when I should have concentrated South of the Border.  No matter.  Sometimes with flu it's inevitable to expel more than just energy.  It'll be one week tomorrow; I'm down 18 lbs!  YAY ME!  (I also think all the coughing has tightened my abs...wishful thinking?)

Today I contacted the Wharton Clinic in Burlington.  Referred by my doctor, Gillian Stevens, it appears I'm a perfect candidate for OHIP-assisted weight loss.  Ten minutes later I'm scheduled for an echocardiogram, stress test, breathing test...some other test (name forgotten), and a visit to the nutritionist.  Do you ever wonder why fat people tests use the word "gram"?  Why not echocardiopounds?  I'm just saying.  It's as though they're mocking us.


With hope on the horizon, Christine turns her face to the future, and never looks back...other than to make a mental note NOT to get a flu shot this year.  It never hurts to have a little BUG nearby to offer assistance along the way. 

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