Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Trust Your Angels

I love to weigh in on Fridays.   Some may greet this moment with depredation.  However, I remember one particular Friday when I was very confident in a positive outcome.  For you see, earlier in the week an angel whispered in my ear, “You will lose 7 lbs this week!”  I have a gift for connecting with guardian angels.  I’m sorry; did I forget to mention this?  Knowing divine intervention was on my side, I confidentially stepped up on the scale.  5 lbs!  FIVE POUNDS?  Was there a malfunction?  Perhaps if I move the scale towards the incline in the bathroom tiles, this will suffice in giving me a more accurate calculation?  5 lbs.  
Brett poked his head around the corner in response to my consternation.  “What’s up?”  I didn’t appreciate the humour or the assumption I’d gained weight.  “I lost 5 lbs!” I cried, utterly destroyed.  “What’s wrong with that?”  He chuckled, “That’s great!”  “No it’s not great!  I was supposed to lose 7!” 

Convinced the universe was out of alignment, I did the only rational thing I could do.  I trudged down the stairs and poured myself a coffee.
Is Caffeine a Diuretic or Not? - What You Should Know
To further quell the 'is caffeine a diuretic or not?' debate, initially it was said that caffeine had no significant or alarming impact on the final urine output of a person. Subsequent studies have further shown that the mechanism of caffeine diuresis is dubious in nature, as caffeine containing beverages did not impact urinary output any differently, when compared to other beverages that do not contain caffeine. However, this does not mean that caffeine does not increase your need or urge to urinate. One's reaction to caffeine intake can depend on the amount he consumes, the type of product that he consumes and his tolerance level to caffeine. And it varies from person to person.

All said and done, water is the best source of hydration, so be sure to include it as a part of your daily fluid consumption, irrespective of whether your body reacts to caffeine diuretic properties or not.

'Is caffeine a diuretic?' was your question. I hope this article has removed the 'caffeine diuretic myth' from your minds.

It is important to understand that coffee and almost any beverage that contains caffeine, does lead to a mild amount of diuresis. However, it has also been seen that regular consumers of coffee and caffeinated drinks have a higher tolerance to the mild diuretic effect of caffeine and other beverages. Thus, in the end it can be concluded that the diuretic effect of caffeine is something that varies from person to person and is dependent on many factors.   Dr. Sumaiya Khan.

Suffice to say after drinking my coffee I felt a sudden shift compelling me to run back upstairs to the bathroom.  Once nature had taken its course I jumped back on the scale, smuggly yelling out to my husband, "7 pounds baby!!!"  Which only goes to prove I speak the truth about angels, even if I am full of shit.

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